Keep The Illusion


A similar



Published the 10/24/2023 by Hugo Petit - 4min reading

Wes Anderson's unique style may seem impossible to transcribe into a novel, as his visually confusing style cannot be conveyed in writing. Yet one author, Mark Z. Danielewski has succeeded in creating a book, "The House of Leaves", offering a similar experience to that of watching "The Grand Budapest Hotel". ».

Book’s cover
A confusing form

With this book, Mark Z. Danielewski defies convention by offering a different layout on each page of the book, at times almost labyrinthine, offering the same puzzling effect one feels when discovering Wes Anderson's style. This alone promises a unique read, but Danielewski has not limited himself to this.

Interwoven stories

Like "The Grand Budapest Hotel", "House of Leaves" offers several levels of story, several narratives to follow, but where Wes Anderson offers 3 different levels, Danielewski takes this idea to a whole new level, offering a total of 9 narrative layers.

A maze of horror

Reading "The House of Leaves" fully introduces us to the maze that is the house in which the novel takes place. The different levels of narration and points of life that define the story we live through create a maze from which we emerge with memorable horrific memories

Example of a page from the book

In conclusion, "The House of Leaves" offers a similar experience to "The Grand Budapest Hotel", taking the labyrinthine aspect even further and adding a horrific atmosphere. This book offers the most singular reading you'll ever experience, a work that has fascinated for over 20 years and continues to grow its audience. However, you should be aware before you start reading that it can be confusing and even disturbing.

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