Keep The Illusion


The movie, The Grand

Budapest Hotel


Published the 10/24/2023 by Hugo Petit - 5min reading

Considered by many as a cinematic masterpiece, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is a consecration of Wes Anderson's unique style. The director, who was criticized at the time for neglecting form in favor of substance, has decided to offer a film that pushes all these characteristics to the limit.

Movie’s poster
A unique scenario

In this film, Wes Anderson creates a story on three levels: a narrator, anchored in "our world", tells the story of his book, in which a character, Zero Mustafa, tells the story of the Grand Budapest Hotel from the 1960s to the 1930s. This structure adds depth to the story and allows him to express his creativity on screen...

A captivating form

Each level of the story has its own image format, and it's in the story taking place in the 1930s that Wes Anderson's creativity flourishes: the square 1.37:1 format gives him the freedom to create symmetrical shots, which he doesn't hesitate to use throughout the film.

Plan of Zero Mustafa et Agatha baking together
Retranslating imagination

Most of the film is shown through the imagination of the journalist who listens to Zero Mustafa tell his story. Wes Anderson uses this as a pretext to create unique visuals and choreography, which at times feel almost cartoonish, without being invasive or distracting from the story. Each shot is a masterpiece of a meticulous composition.

An example of a shot that illustrates the idea of seeing through the journalist's imagination
Bewitching musics

The film's original soundtrack, composed by Alexandre Desplat, adds a nostalgic touch and brings this universe together to create the unique atmosphere of The Grand Budapest Hotel.

In short, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is a journey through a captivating imaginary land, and a perfect gateway to Wes Anderson's colorful universe. This film is a gateway to the director's genius, and is considered a cinematic must-see. If you're still lucky enough to be discovering this film for the first time, don't delay in immersing yourself in this unique world.

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