Keep The Illusion


A quote to remember


Published the 10/24/2023 by Hugo Petit - 4min reading

Wes Anderson's works marvel with the visuals and dialogue the director brings to them. The Grand Budapest Hotel is full of memorable shots, actor’s choregraphy and visuals. The one that impressed me most became the title of the site: He certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace.

Video of the moment of the line in the film
The hotel's illusionist: Monsieur Gustave

The line concerns Monsieur Gustave, the hotel concierge and main character. His image reflects the image of the hotel, so he must maintain a

Mr. Gustave

sophisticated, elegant appearance, no matter what the situation, no matter what murders he may be involved in. Guests need a personalized experience, and the character excels at delivering a unique experience, no matter what difficulties the hotel is facing.

Wes Anderson's illusion and narration

The line is delivered by Zero Mustafa, who tells the past of the Grand Budapest Hotel and his experience as the hotel's lobby boy. We experience the story through his memories and the way his interlocutor sees them in his head. By this method, Wes Anderson was able to choreograph the story as he wanted and introduce his illusion into the world of the Grand Budapest Hotel. This line reminds the way Wes Anderson guides us through a world with its colors, its crazyness, and its magic.

Zero Mustafa telling his story at a hotel table
The conclusion of a cinematic magic trick

The line takes its strength from the moment it hits: it's the last thing Zero Mustafa says to the journalist listening to his story, before he leaves him by going in the elevator. Both Zero and Wes Anderson conclude their stories with this line, one expressing his admiration for a Mr. Gustave willing to do anything for his hotel, the other closing his film in which he defied the critics and pushed his aesthetic to the limit.

Zero Mustafa leaving through the elevator
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