Keep The Illusion


“He certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace”

Take a step in the Wes Anderson’s universe by going through the Grand Budapest Hotel gates and experience cinema as you never did before. Keep The Illusion invites you to discover the world of Wes Anderson, his influence and similar artistic experiences through articles and recommendations based on the line of Wes Anderson's masterpiece.

A line

He certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace

bouton-lire-article ascenceur

The movie : The Grand Budapest Hotel

(Re)discover the masterpiece

bouton-lire-article devanture

The director

Take a step in the world of the most singular director of his time: Wes Anderson

bouton-lire-article wes-anderson

A connected song...

... and an artist influenced by Wes Anderson : Bu$hi

bouton-lire-article bushi

A similar book

A similar experience to the film : House of leaves

bouton-lire-article livre